In hindsight- this is more of a script than a synopsis- but it's what I feel comfortable with.
Keen for feedback. Thanks.
Two 11 year old boys- TOM and JERRY- are in the kitchen, looking for food to eat.
It's Tom's house. His parents are out. His older brother- CHRIS- is in the shower, getting ready for the PARTY. He can faintly be heard (poorly) singing a Stones song.
Jerry complains to Tom.
'There's never anything goo to eat at your place!'
'Well mum only shops once a week.'
Suddenly, there is a KNOCK at the door. The boys race to the door. They open it to greet a guy in his mid 20's. The guy is smoking a cigarette and holds a container of chocolate brownies. He looks surprised by the boys:
'Hey. Uh.. is Chris home?'
'Nah, he's in the shower...'
'Oh, um.. can you just tell him that I can't come tonight... and give him these.'
The guy hands over the container slowly, doubting the boy's intentions.
'Uh... yeah... thanks.'
'Thanks dude.'
Tom takes the container inside and closes the door. Jerry smiles and grabs the container and goes to the coffee table in the living room and puts it down.
Jerry- 'Alright! Brownies!'
What are they?'
'You've never had chocolate brownies before?'
'Oh Tom, you're missin' out! My Grandma makes them all the time!'
'Well that guy said they were for Chris...'
'He won't mind. We'll only have a couple!'
Jerry opens the container and grabs a brownie and takes a bite. Tom does the same.
'....Oh.. wow.'
'...these taste different to my Grandma's.'
Tom moves his jaw around slowly.
'Is your mouth meant to go numb?'
Jump cut a brief montage of boys: taking several bites of the brownies; being amazed by their skin; laughing and smiling; going back for more brownies; hugging each other;
They sit on the couch
spaced out.
Chris comes downstairs to where the boys are. He looks at the boy's motionless bodies, and then quickly to the half empty container on the table. Stunned.
CUT to Tom's POV: everything in the frame is psychedelic- the colours; objects movings around; the room is like a lava lamp. Through Tom's ears, we hear Chris' distorted voice. It's barely audible:
The guys laugh hysterically.
CUT back to roomThe guys laugh silently.
Chris pulls Tom up by the collar with both hands. Tom opens his mouth to speak, but nothing comes out- it's as if he's forgotten how to communicate. He stumbles around the room whilst Tom slurs:
Jerry laughs (silently) at this.
Chris throws his hands up in the air in dismay.
Tom laughs. Then looks worried. Then throws up all over the table- including the container.